The Mill: Information Security Newsletter

Our information security newsletter provides relevant, meaningful information that isn’t a bunch of techno-babble.

Screenshot of Birmingham Consulting's 2024 Spring Newsletter, "The Mill"

Like our content? Then you’ll LOVE our newsletter!

In our free quarterly print newsletter, we deliver carefully curated content on information security that’s relevant to businesses. Our goal is to not simply provide a cookie-cutter done-for-us newsletter. There are lots of services that are more than willing to send out newsletters on our behalf using stock templates full of fluff information. This is not one of those newsletters.

If there is a topic relevant to one of the sections listed above that you would like us to discuss, let us know by sending an email to

Read previous versions on our Resources page.

Get on the list by filling out the form! You’ll also receive our FREE e-Book, Cyber Defence 101, available as EPUB and PDF.

A headshot of Scott Birmingham, C.E.T., C.I.M., who is the Principal Consultant at Birmingham Consulting

Meet Scott Birmingham

After seeing the general apathy of IT service providers, Scott Birmingham founded Birmingham Consulting Inc. (BCI) in 2009 with the goal of applying the engineering principles used by high-value manufacturing industries to deliver IT services.

With this focus on uptime and risk mitigation, his Canadian company, BCI, became an early adopter for delivering cyber security as part of their managed IT services. As his cyber security expertise deepened over the years, he also broadened BCI services to include information security as a whole, including compliance.

Now, BCI is streamlined to be 100% dedicated to information security; with a focus on delivering virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) services, Compliance-as-a-Service (CaaS), and Defense-in Depth (DiD) information security services.

Scott has a passion for protecting the information assets of Canadian companies and helping them comply with the security standards relevant to their business.